Posts Tagged ‘Dog Walk’

It was an especially pleasant day.  Mid-70’s, sunshine, and a colorful rainbow of the sweetest dogs.

What could be better than a dog walk on a Sunday afternoon?

Oh! Pip in pearls. Sky with a blue bow. Happy, a two year old rescue. Seven month young Naala. And big Petey.  All walking in sync up an autumn leaf-filled pathway in historic Five Points in Jacksonville, Florida.  Pink tongues flapped from of shades of brown, mauve, black, white, tan, and brindle, with spots and stripes all forming the perfect collage of…  Happiness.


Ever so slowly an elderly woman crept by, sharing the sidewalk and taking in the soft colors and sweet faces of those on leashes.  “If I had known you were going to be out here, I would have brought my two poodles!” she said with enthusiasm.

You see, these dogs walked together, seemingly paw-in-paw.  You see, these dogs were Pit Bulls.

Pit Sisters, Jen & Sybil, along with “Step-Sister”, Lynn, organized the walk for their pit-loving friends and fans.  According to their Facebook Page, Pit Sisters mission is “To provide voices, homes and love to those who cannot speak.” and “…to remove the stereotypes associated with the bully breeds.”

January 22, 2012 Walk-the-Bulls

And boy, do they have loyal fans, sporting t-shirts that read “Plays with Pit Bulls”, “I Rescue Pit Bulls”, and of course, “Hello Pittie” a fun knock-off of the familiar Hello Kitty® image.  The fans enter online auctions bidding for dog pearls, bows and oh so much more in order to donate to the non-profit organization.

The Pit Sisters Hug A Bull event is planned for February 11th in Jacksonville, complete with Pittie Kissing Booth and Cupid’s Cutest Pittie Contest.  Any one of the Pitties walking on Sunday would have been perfect candidates for the Kissing Booth and I would have been the first in line.  Nope, I don’t have a Pit Bull.  I have super-fluffy dogs.  But I don’t discriminate, and that is the key.


To think that 78% of Pit Bulls that come to shelters are put down before they can find a forever home is, well, disappointing.  The Doberman Pinscher and German Shepherd breeds had their days.  What will it take to open people’s minds in understanding that it is not the breed that it aggressive.  Instead it is how the breed is handled by the owner.  Want to raise a Pit Bull to fight?  Can be done.  They are built tough, born out of breeding Bulldog and Terrier.  Or would you rather let one live its life in harmony with people and other dogs?  This too, can be done.  Born out of patience and good old-fashioned love.

Beautiful Day for a Dog Walk

An excerpt from

Over the years, the American Pit Bull Terrier has been a beloved symbol of Americana.  In World War I, a pit bull named Stubby captured the heart of the nation.  Stubby was the unofficial mascot of the 102nd Infantry Division and was credited with saving the lives of several of his human comrades.  For his valiant service, Stubby won several medals and was even awarded the rank of sergeant!  He came home from the war to a hero’s welcome and went on to become the mascot for Georgetown University.

Over the years, many famous Americans have owned pit bulls.  Mark Twain, Theodore Roosevelt, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Thomas Edison, Woodrow Wilson, John Steinbeck, Helen Keller, and Fred Astaire have all been proud to own dogs of this breed.

Pit Sisters will be helping shed light on the subject in March at a screening of the documentary, “Beyond The Myth”.

To hear more about Northeast Florida Dog Events, please visit

Sweet Pete

Pip! Pip! Pip! Pip in Pearls.

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