Posts Tagged ‘tall grass’

He takes a few sniffs around the edge of a pitch black fire hydrant. That’s all it takes for him to “tell” several things: Which dog was there, how long ago, male or female…

He sniffs while we walk slowly, further and further down the path.

My eyes reach the blue sky and I revel in the moment.

Did someone say Sniff Walk?

It isn’t something I plan on doing. It just happens. We leave the house on leash for a quick “Potty 1” and “Potty 2”, only to find ourselves leisurely walking, dogs sifting and sniffing with such commitment and intensity through the base of tall grass and palms, mulch and sandy earth.

How to do it?

Simply let the dog sniff whatever he wants. Woof, there it is.

Take A Sniff WalkDogs who spend a lot of times indoors seem to lose their sense of sniff. Has it been a while since your dog has really sniffed? Try a Sniff Walk and see how much he enjoys it.

Dogs typically use the sense of smell first, then hearing, then sight, so it seems right to give them the chance to do so. Remember, we humans should never underestimate the power of a canine sniff.

Have you ever pulled Fido away from a great big, long one? Sniff, that is? We all have, and need to, so that we can move on with our day. When we do this to our pups, we take away their time to see, er, sniff. And on to the next one they go.

New fads like Nose Work are making their way across the country. This new urban sport isn’t only for Bloodhounds and German Shepherds, it’s for your average sniff-loving pup.

The National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW) states, “The art and practice of nose work has now reached dogs of all shapes and sizes and has made basic search dog skills available to companion dogs, creating a new urban sport arena for dog enthusiasts.”

Whether you are going to dedicate yourself to hours of nose work, or simply let the dogs out for a Sniff Walk once in a while, well done. You’ve decided to help your dog become a little more balanced and a little, well, yappier.


Finally, You’ve Found Your YAPPY PLACE.

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